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CUDOS Blast is a useful tool to support smart contract compilation, deployment and interaction.

00 Prerequisites

Before you get started with CUDOS Blast, ensure you have met the following prerequisites:

PrerequisiteMinimum versionRecommended version
Install Node.js14.
Install npm6.
Install Docker engine19.03.1320.10.12
Install Docker compose1.

For Windows users we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). To avoid permission issues with WSL, you may have to change npm default directory.

01 Setup Rust

The CUDOS chain works with Rust

Checkout Setup Rust

02 Install CUDOS Blast


Use npm to install CUDOS Blast CLI tool globally. This means you can create a new project anywhere.


This project needs to run as root using sudo

sudo npm install cudos-blast -g

# confirm installation
blast --version

Use npx cudos-blast to run commands. This ensures you are always using the latest version.

Locally - Add to a single project

If you only want to install CUDOS Blast into a single project then do the following:

# Create a folder for your project
mkdir myproject
cd myproject

# Initialise a project and follow the prompts
blast init

# Confirm installation
blast --version
Congratulations 🎉

If a blast version is returned, you have successfully installed CUDOS Blast.