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Compile contract

Before a contract can be used, it must be compiled into wasm bytecode or artefacts that can be stored on chain.

CUDOS Blast makes compilation easy with a single command.

Rust optimiser

CUDOS Blast uses Rust Optimiser under the hood to compile contracts ready for deployment.

Check you are at Project root

First, let's make sure we are at the project root.

counter username$ ls
Cargo.lock jsconfig.json scripts
Cargo.toml local-accounts.json target
blast.config.js package.json tests
contracts schema

Compile contracts

Run the compile command

counter username$ blast compile

# Example response extract

Compiling contracts at: "/Users/ad/projects/counter/contracts" with 0.12.6 version
Unable to find image 'cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.6' locally
0.12.6: Pulling from cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer
df9b9388f04a: Already exists
2113a6fa04a6: Already exists
Building artifacts in workspace ...
Found workspace member entries: ["contracts/*"]
Package directories: ["contracts/alpha", "contracts/beta"]
Contracts to be built: ["contracts/alpha", "contracts/beta"]
Building "contracts/alpha" ...
Downloading crates ...
Downloaded base16ct v0.1.1
Downloaded sec1 v0.2.1
Non-cacheable reasons:
crate-type 13
- 4

Cache location Local disk: "/root/.cache/sccache"
Cache size 14 MiB
Max cache size 10 GiB

Successful compilation

A new artifacts folder is created containing alpha.wasm and beta.wasm.

Now we are ready to deploy the artifacts.

Let's spin up a local node.