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Create Counter project

This short tutorial walks you through a simple counter project that increments upon request using CUDOS Blast.

  1. Create a new folder for the Counter project and initialise Blast.
mkdir Counter
cd Counter
blast init
Success! Sample project initialized in /Users/username/projects/myCudosDapp
  1. Open the project in your preferred IDE

Explore your project

When you open the project you see something similar to below:

Project contents

Let's walk through each section.


Inside the contracts folder are alpha and beta folders. These are 2 example workspaces to use if one contract depends on another for example.

Let's enter the alpha folder.

/src directory

The /src directory contains the smart contract source code in different files.

  1. src/ - This contains the main smart contract logic and is where the functions instantiate(), execute() and query() are implemented.

  2. src/ - This defines how the smart contract state data is represented and how it will be stored.

  3. src/ - This is where different types of messages and responses the smart contract can receive and return are defined.

  4. src/ - This is where the different error types are defined that can be returned by the smart contract.

  5. src/ is where any previous modules are exposed and made accessible.

/scripts directory

The /scripts directory contains sample scripts

  1. deploy.js - This is a sample script to deploy a compiled contract to the blockchain.

  2. interact.js - This is a sample script to interact with your deployed contract on the blockchain.

/tests directory

The /tests directory contains sample testing scripts

blast.config.js file

The blast.config.js is where connections and contract deployments can be configured.

cargo.toml file

The cargo.toml file must be at the root of the project in order to compile. An artifacts folder is generated after compilation. - This is the starting state

Open /src/

The starting template has the following state:

a singleton struct State containing:

  • a 32-bit integer (count)

  • an address (owner) a segwit address

In addition, the derive attribute is applied to implement some useful traits:

Serialize: provides serialization Deserialize: provides deserialization Clone: makes our struct copyable Debug: enables our struct to be printed to string PartialEq: gives us equality comparison JsonSchema: auto-generates a JSON schema for us - InstantiateMsg

Open /src/

use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
pub count: i32,

This is the message received when an address seeks to instantiate a contract with MsgInstantiateContract. The message provides the contract with an initial configuration and state.

  1. src/ contains the main smart contract logic and is where the functions instantiate(), execute() and query() are implemented.

Now, we understand the contract, let's compile it.