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Interact with your contract

Here's how to interact with your contract using the interact.js script provided.

  1. Open {project_root}/scripts/interact.js and add the new contract address as follows:

async function main() {
const [alice, bob] = await bre.getSigners()
const contract = await bre.getContractFromAddress
# Replace the next line with the new contract address
  1. Now run the script to interact with the deployed smart contract.
blast run scripts/interact.js

You should get a response similar to that below:

Example interact response 1

blast run scripts/interact.js
Initial count: 13
logs: [ { msg_index: 0, log: '', events: [Array] } ],
height: 14969,
transactionHash: '5C61E6C9EA7FF2376487508D9F9F4417B655D09EE3DB8B4D39EB4E52B22B88DB',
gasWanted: 155578,
gasUsed: 131142
Count after increment: 14

The following information is returned: height of the latest block on the CUDOS network. transactionHash:

Each time your run the interact.js script, the count increments.

Example interact response 2

$ blast run scripts/interact.js
Initial count: 14
logs: [ { msg_index: 0, log: '', events: [Array] } ],
height: 46053,
transactionHash: '7F36A5FD55AB28A3FBE4BF91A90E80FF522BB81DC577ED360714DD9FDDBC1E29',
gasWanted: 146990,
gasUsed: 124933
Count after increment: 15