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Compile messaging contract

Before a contract can be used, it must be compiled into wasm bytecode or artefacts that can be stored on chain.

CUDOS Blast makes compilation easy with a single command.

01 Modify files

  1. Open contracts > and replace alpha with your project-name.


  1. Open src > cargo.toml and replace alpha with your project-name


02 Compile your contract

  1. Make sure you have docker running.

  2. Run the following command:

    blast compile
    # Example
    blast compile
    Compiling contracts at: "~projects/new-project/contracts" with 0.12.6 version
    Building artifacts in workspace ...
    Found workspace member entries: ["contracts/*"]
    Package directories: ["contracts/new-project"]
    Contracts to be built: ["contracts/new-project"]
    Building "contracts/new-project" ...
    Compiling newproject v0.1.0 (/code/contracts/new-project)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 32.12s
    Creating intermediate hashes ...
    61d02c4540f12d006fa06c307f878abfee21c14b96136cef9d32068032b83dc6 target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/newproject.wasm
    Optimizing artifacts in workspace ...
    Optimizing newproject.wasm ...
    Moving wasm files ...
    Post-processing artifacts in workspace ...
    307c299c6f89a120e3056258cb6ac1a7b2ff8f32cbeb86148044ef4ff70f168e newproject.wasm
  3. 🚀 Congratulations!! You have now created a new wasm file ready to be deployed!!
