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CUDOS is a Delegated Proof-of-Stake, layer-1 blockchain with a vision for a decentralised computation accessible on-chain.

The design of the CUDOS network separates consensus from execution to ensure secure, decentralised and permissionless access to high-performance computing at scale.

Builders on the network get access to:

  • 🔧 High application performance
  • 🏗 Developer-friendly toolkit
  • 💱 Composable asset management

Users of the chain benefit from:

  • 🔐 High cryptographic security
  • 🔬 Public blockchain transparency
  • 📬 Cross-chain interoperability
  • 🌳 Carbon-neutral transactions

Proof-of-Stake Consensus

A Tendermint Core engine manages consensus - powered by a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus model. The BFT model can tolerate less than one-third of the Byzantine validators reaching consensus. Considered to be a gold standard in Proof-of-Stake consensus, it is the most widely used consensus engine across the industry. The PoS algorithm reduces the Cosmos carbon footprint by more than 99% compared to Proof-of-Work blockchains like Bitcoin

Why use the CUDOS Network?

Scalability and cross-chain interoperability

When economic activity becomes centralised on a single network, the result is bottlenecks of congestion and high transaction fees.

Networks such as Ethereum have attempted to solve issues with scalability 'vertically' with Layer 2 solutions that leverage the underlying security of the Layer 1 - Ethereum network. Transactions are executed off-chain on the Layer 2 with a 'proof of state' change sent back to the Layer 1. These proofs are then checked for fraud and verified before the underlying Layer 1 chain is updated.

Increasingly, there is also a shift towards 'horizontal' scaling solutions. These are enabled through the use of multiple independent blockchains or sidechains within a single ecosystem. Horizontal scaling spreads the computation of transactions in an ecosystem across many independent blockchains, with each chain having its own block producers and execution capacity.

CUDOS addresses scalability vertically and horizontally. A lightning fast consensus mechanism (built on tendermint) enables thousands of transactions per second (tps) whilst an Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol enables cross-chain interoperability with an increasing number of Cosmos ecosystem members such as Osmosis.

The CUDOS Bridge brings further interoperability between the CUDOS and Ethereum networks allowing for the transfer of tokens, assets, NFTs and data.

The design of the CUDOS network enables the following advantages:

  • Instant finality
  • Low latency
  • Extremely low transaction costs
  • Scalability
  • Ability to deploy inter-chain smart contracts and build cross-chain applications.

Developer Friendly

CUDOS Network supports smart contract development that compiles to Web Assembly. Rust developers can quickly set up a local and test network to build on.

CosmWasm - a library of modular code needed for building a contract is a helpful resource.