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Run a full node

This guide explains how to initialise and start a Full Node.

It follows on from the prerequisites section and assumes that you have built your environment by following the Build Environment instructions for your selected network.

On Testnet and Mainnet, a Full node has the addresses of 3 Seed nodes pre-configured to allow it to connect to the CUDOS network.


Private Testnet Testnet Mainnet


Your network was selected at the Build Environment stage.

00 Prerequisites

  1. Check Hardware requirements.
  2. Build your environment Testnet or Mainnet

The script can only be run on a fresh node, prior to starting cudos-noded. If there are any existing .toml files, the initialisation script will not run.

This script must be run BEFORE starting the node for the first time.

01 Run Full node initialisation script

You must run the script as user cudos or you will see error messages. This script configures config.toml and app.toml for a full-node by default.

su - cudos

02 Start the node


Cosmovisor is used to ensure zero downtime when there are updates and hard forks.

Switch back to root user (CTRL + D)

systemctl enable --now cosmovisor@cudos

Example start node

root@cudos-node:~# systemctl enable --now cosmovisor@cudos
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] → /lib/systemd/system/[email protected].

03 Check node sync status

As root user

cudos-noded status 2>&1 | jq -M 
how do i know when my node is synced?

Your node is fully synced when you see: "catching_up: false" and the latest block hash matches the network Testnet Explorer or Mainnet Explorer

synced node

Example check node sync status

root@cudos-node:~# cudos-noded status 2>&1 | jq -M 
"NodeInfo": {
"protocol_version": {
"p2p": "8",
"block": "11",
"app": "0"
"id": "16da5b1a2f3a23387ab24d51d1ff2bb613883ed2",
"listen_addr": "tcp://",
"network": "cudos-testnet-public-3",
"version": "0.34.19",
"channels": "40202122233038606100",
"moniker": "testnet-validator-01",
"other": {
"tx_index": "on",
"rpc_address": "tcp://"
"SyncInfo": {
"latest_block_hash": "7EE32946AD3697017C7DF4F0077306C69FC033D6785093F1ABCC10072E13D04B",
"latest_app_hash": "815DE61E2FC1DBB3EC5C1F57562BA9996D6C6EC56F8433B4D074FBB9CB018403",
"latest_block_height": "5218823",
"latest_block_time": "2022-09-15T08:59:27.948277937Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "5FE3E88EFE9999C79B8D6271B56EE4349051FCEA290D5A512440B8BEB9662104",
"earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
"earliest_block_height": "3603400",
"earliest_block_time": "2021-08-25T08:21:32.483824849Z",
"catching_up": true
"ValidatorInfo": {
"Address": "D76F3EAAA340F06B402AB71725E087B793466789",
"PubKey": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "VBSW/jtiXEO+dDVxq65gS2t7C1cUvqX0KWk5DBDPPrI="
"VotingPower": "0"

Be Aware: It will take time for the node to sync.

04 Stop and disable the node

systemctl disable --now cosmovisor@cudos

Example stop and disable the node

root@cudos-node:~# systemctl disable --now cosmovisor@cudos
Removed /etc/systemd/system/[email protected].

Additional configuration of a full node

This step allows you to set up parameters to run a Full node.

The following script can be run to automatically configure a Full node and the Seed nodes to connect with on the network you selected at the Build Environment stage.

How to use CUDOS Daemon Configuration Tool

cudos-noded-ctl must be run as user cudos.

su - cudos

Below are all available full node CTL commands

BE AWARE: All modifications to config.toml must specify contents on a single line, comma separated list.

# Define seeds to connect to: 
# "seeds=" variable in config.toml
# Example: <tendermint ID>@<IP address or hostname>:<Port number>[,<tendermint ID>@<IP address or hostname>:<Port number>

cudos-noded-ctl set seeds "$CUDOS_HOME"/config/seeds.config

# Define a list of nodes to keep persistent connections to:
# persistent_peers = variable in config.toml with the the contents of <filename>

cudos-noded-ctl set persistent_peers "$CUDOS_HOME"/config/persistent-peers.config

# Define peerIDs to be kept private (without gossiping)
# private_peer_ids - variable in config.toml with contents of <filename>

cudos-noded-ctl set private_peers "$CUDOS_HOME"/config/private-peers.config

# Define peerIDs to which a connection will be (re)established ignoring any existing limits
cudos-noded-ctl set unconditional_peers "$CUDOS_HOME"/config/unconditional-peers.config

# Define peer exchange reactor (Boolean)

cudos-noded-ctl set pex true

# Activate unsafe RPC commands like /dial_seeds and /unsafe_flush_mempool (Boolean)

cudos-noded-ctl set unsafe true

# Activate Prometheus metrics served under /metrics on PrometheusListenAddr (Boolean)
cudos-noded-ctl set prometheus true

# Active seed mode (boolean)

cudos-noded-ctl set seed_mode false

# Define gas prices

cudos-noded-ctl set minimum-gas-prices "5000000000000acudos"

Read more information on cudos-noded-ctl