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Contract Execution

Let's dig into how a contract is executed.

When we implement a contract, we provide the following entry point:

pub fn execute(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { }

With DepsMut, this can read and write to the backing Storage, as well as use the Api to validate addresses, and Query the state of other contracts or native modules. Once it is done, it returns either Ok(Response) or Err(ContractError).

If it returns Err, this error is converted to a string representation (err.to_string()), and this is returned to the SDK module.

If it returns Ok, the Response object is parsed and processed. As in the example below:

pub struct Response<T = Empty>
T: Clone + fmt::Debug + PartialEq + JsonSchema,
/// Optional list of "subcalls" to make. These will be executed in order
/// (and this contract's subcall_response entry point invoked)
/// *before* any of the "fire and forget" messages get executed.
pub submessages: Vec<SubMsg<T>>,
/// After any submessages are processed, these are all dispatched in the host blockchain.
/// If they all succeed, then the transaction is committed. If any fail, then the transaction
/// and any local contract state changes are reverted.
pub messages: Vec<CosmosMsg<T>>,
/// The attributes that will be emitted as part of a "wasm" event
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
pub data: Option<Binary>,