Frequently Asked Questions
I have a problem I can't figure out. What do I do?
Please reach out to us and ask for help in the intercloud-support
channel in the CUDOS Discord server.
Why can’t I find Windows in the list of images?
Windows is currently not supported due to technical limitations. Make sure you follow our socials for updates on changes and new features.
What’s the command to connect to my VM?
ssh root@ip-address
where you can copy the ip-address
from the CUDOS Intercloud interface.
Do I still have to pay even if the VM is powered off?
Yes, because while the VM is not powered on, the resources you have assigned to the VM are reserved for your VM.
Can I use another wallet provider to log in?
We currently support Keplr and MetaMask login, but make sure to follow our socials for product updates.
Why can’t I create a VM even though I am logged in already?
This issue can result from a multitude of reasons. Join our Discord community for support from our community members and dedicated support members. Ensure you provide them with as much information as possible when describing your issue.
If my account's balance is in USD, why can’t I top it up with a regular bank card?
Fiat payments are not currently supported, but be sure to follow our socials for news about new features in later iterations.
Is there a minimum amount I need to top up with?
Yes. For most currencies it's $5.00 but it may be lower for some. You can view that on the payments tab. This ensures fees can be covered, and there’s still enough money to be used as credit under most market conditions.
I've made a payment but my balance has not updated after a few minutes. What should I do?
Please reach out to us the intercloud-support
channel in the CUDOS Discord server and we will help you.
Is there a minimum amount of time I need to rent the VM?
You are billed for the whole first hour of a VM’s life, and while you may stop using and terminating it at any point during that hour, you will not be reimbursed for the remaining time.
How can I access my VM?
You will need a 3rd party tool to access the VM using SSH protocol. This is normally a personal preference, and we advise you to research your options.
Can I modify the VM once it’s deployed?
No, the VM resources cannot be modified after the VM is deployed.
Why am I being charged if my VM is stopped?
When the VM is in a Stopped state, the resources are still reserved for that VM, and you will continue to be charged for it. If you wish not to be charged once you are done using it, destroy the VM.
Why is the credit I selected as payment not equal to my new balance?
Because currency prices and fees fluctuate frequently, and the platform credits you a fixed, stable amount after the automated trading and fees.