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On-chain governance proposals are used for decentralised decision making on the CUDOS Network.

To create a proposal, a 50000 CUDOS deposit is required. This deposit is returned if your proposal is successfully voted for by token holders.

However, if your vote is unsuccessful, your deposit is NOT returned. It's a good idea to share your proposal idea in the CUDOS Discord group prior to submitting it to ensure partipation and buy-in.

A proposal can be submitted for a number of changes including an upgrade of the chain, parameters of the chain, a simple text proposal, or any other message type.

Validator operators and token holders have the right to vote on proposals on a 1 token 1 vote basis. This includes any stake delegated to them by other CUDOS holders.

CUDOS Dashboard

The CUDOS Dashboard is the easiest way to create a proposal. It also allows anyone to easily check any live proposals. By connecting a valid wallet, token holders can create or vote on the outcome of any live proposal.

Things to know

  • Proposal submission: Users can submit a proposal with a deposit of 50000 CUDOS. Once the minimum deposit is reached, the proposal enters a 5 day voting period.

  • Vote: Token holders can vote on proposals that have reached the minimum deposit.

  • Inheritance and penalties: Delegators can inherit their validator's vote if they don't vote themselves.

  • Claiming deposit: Users that deposited on proposals can recover their deposits if the proposal was accepted OR if the proposal never entered voting period.

How to create a draft proposal

  1. Use cudos-noded CLI to submit a proposal.
cudos-noded tx gov draft-proposal
  1. You are presented with the following options:
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Select proposal type:
▸ text
  1. Select text to outline key metadata for your proposal in json format.
vote options

Voters can choose between Yes, No, NoWithVeto and Abstain.

NoWithVeto allows the voter to cast a No vote, but also to veto the proposal.

If a proposal is vetoed, it is automatically rejected and the deposit burned.

Abstain allows the voter to abstain from voting.

With a majority of Yes the proposal pass and its messages are executed. Abstain is different from not voting at all, as voting contributes to reaching the quorum.

✔ text
✔ Enter proposal title: My Proposal
✔ Enter proposal authors: Maya Angelou
✔ Enter proposal summary: Increase validator set to 800
✔ Enter proposal details: This proposal seeks to...
✔ Enter proposal proposal forum url:
✔ Enter proposal vote option context: YES: XX, NO: YX, ABSTAIN: XY, NO_WITH_VETO: YY
  1. Enter the proposal deposit
✔ Enter proposal deposit: 50000stake
Your draft proposal has successfully been generated.
Proposals should contain off-chain metadata, please upload the metadata JSON to IPFS.
Then, replace the generated metadata field with the IPFS CID.
  1. The draft-proposal command generates two files:
  • draft_metadata.json - This contains the information you just entered. It should be pinned on IPFS.

  • draft_proposal.json - Replace the metadata field with the IPFS url.

"metadata": "ipfs://CID",
"deposit": "50000stake"

How to submit the proposal on chain

  1. Use the following example to construct your request.

cudos-noded tx gov submit-proposal draft_proposal.json --from maya --keyring-backend test
  1. A transaction hash confirms successful submittal.
cudos-noded query tx D8F1123412345256ED9C9

How to view proposals

To view a specific proposal on cudos-noded, you need the proposal ID

cudos-noded query gov proposal <ID>

To view all proposals run the following command:

cudos-noded q gov proposals

How to vote on a proposal

  1. You can only vote on a proposal that has met it's minimum proposal deposit.

Check if a proposal has met the minimum deposit

cudos-noded query gov params --output json | jq .deposit_params.min_deposit
  1. Vote for the proposal using its ID

The example below has a proposal ID of 12 and an account user dorothy-parker

cudos-noded tx gov vote 12 yes --from dorothy-parker --keyring-backend test
Voting period

There is a 14 day voting period before votes are determined.

How to view the voting outcome

Use the same command for viewing proposals to view the voting outcome.

How to query your account balance as the proposal author

If your proposal has been successful, you can see if your deposit has been returned by running the following command:

In the following example, the author is maya

cudos-noded query bank balances $maya